Prospects for rice in 2050
- Jianxin Shi
, - Gynheung An
, - Andreas Weber
, - Dabing Zhang
Jianxin Shi

Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology
Author ProfileGynheung An

Kyung Hee University College of Life Sciences
Author ProfileAndreas Weber

Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Dusseldorf Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences
Author ProfileAbstract
A key to achieve the goals put forward in the UN's 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development, it will need transformative change to our
agrifood systems. We must mount to the global challenge to achieve food
security in a sustainable manner in the context of climate change,
population growth, urbanization, and depletion of natural resources.
Rice is one of the major staple cereal crops that has contributed, is
contributing, and will still contribute to the global food security. To
date, rice yield has held pace with increasing demands, due to advances
in both fundamental and biological studies, as well as genomic and
molecular breeding practices. However, future rice production depends
largely on the planting of resilient cultivars that can acclimate and
adapt to changing environmental conditions. This Special Issue highlight
with reviews and original research articles the exciting and growing
field of rice-environment interactions that could benefit future rice
breeding. We also outline open questions and propose future directions
of 2050 rice research, calling for more attentions to develop
environment resilient rice especially hybrid rice, upland rice and
perennial rice.10 Feb 2023Submitted to Plant, Cell & Environment 10 Feb 2023Assigned to Editor
10 Feb 2023Submission Checks Completed
10 Feb 2023Editorial Decision: Accept