Evidence of subsurface control on the coevolution of hillslope
morphology and runoff generation
Topography is a key control on runoff generation, as topographic slope
affects hydraulic gradients and curvature affects water flow paths. At
the same time, runoff generation shapes topography through erosion,
which affects landscape morphology over long timescales. Previous
modeling efforts suggest that subsurface hydrological properties,
relative to climate, are key mediators of this relationship.
Specifically, when subsurface transmissivity and water storage capacity
are low, (1) saturated areas and storm runoff should be larger and more
variable, and (2) hillslopes shorter and with less relief, assuming
other geomorphic factors are held constant. While these patterns appear
in simulations, it remains uncertain whether subsurface properties can
exert such a strong control on emergent properties in the field. We
compared emergent hydrological function and topography in two watersheds
that have very similar climatic and geologic history, but very different
subsurface properties due to contrasting bedrock lithology. We found
that hillslopes were systematically shorter and saturated areas more
dynamic at the site with lower transmissivity. To confirm that these
differences were due to subsurface hydrology rather than differences in
geomorphic process rates, we estimated all parameters of a coupled
groundwater-landscape evolution model without calibration. We showed
that the difference in subsurface properties has a profound effect on
topography and hydrological function that cannot be explained by
differences in geomorphic process rates alone. The comparison to field
data also exposed model limitations, which we discuss in the context of
future efforts to understand the role of hydrology in the long-term
evolution of Earth’s critical zone.